
Stream Flows
  • Yellowstone River near Livingston MT
  • Flow (cfs): 1060
  • Missouri River below Holter Dam
  • Flow (cfs): 2930
    Temperature (°F): 35.42
  • Madison River at Kirby Ranch nr Cameron MT
  • Flow (cfs): 779
    Temperature (°F): 36.5
  • Big Hole River near Melrose MT
  • Flow (cfs): 335
    Temperature (°F): 35.78
  • Bighorn River near St. Xavier, MT
  • Flow (cfs): 2300
  • Clark Fork below Missoula MT
  • Flow (cfs): 2310
  • Flathead River at Columbia Falls MT
  • Flow (cfs): 3540
    Temperature (°F): 38.12
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Montana Guide Service

Montana Flyfishing Expeditions offers any guide service targeting chasing trout anywhere in the state of Montana. With our connections throughout Montana and within the flyfishing industry MFE is truly a one stop entity being able to provide anything and everything in Montana, worldwide travel opportunities and any piece of flyfishing gear. If there is something that you are looking for and you don't see it here just simply ask us and we will do everything in our power to deliver! 


Day Trips: These trips are the easiest to arrange and require the least amount of logistics. Montana Flyfishing Expeditions can perform day trips on the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madison, Jefferson, Big Horn, Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Clark's Fork, Missouri along with many other waterways that are not listed here. Full day trips lasting 8 - 10 hours are the nrom but half day trips are available which last around 4 - 5 hours in length. The majority of our day trips at Montana Flyfishing Expeditions are run out of drift boats but of course full walk wade days are on the menu.
Multi Day Trips: For 2 or 3 days of fishing, Montana Flyfishing Expeditions can show you a lot of variety out of both the Bozeman and Missoula areas. There are numerous river choices that we can float or wade that will promise diversity and plenty of solid fishing opportunities. Remember that there are multiple floats on each river so you will never see the same thing twice unless you want to. With hundreds of miles of blue ribbon water at our fintertips we will put you on the right river at the right time. We will also help you narrow down the selection to cater to you exact expectations.

Combination Trips: These trips usually are a minimum of 3 days all the way up to 7 days in duration or in some cases all summer long. This is where the real diversity of Montana Flyfishing Expeditions kicks in as we will travel to several different rivers and loges at different locations throughout the state. This will also put you in the position to see the most of what Montana has to offer along with satisfying all of your fishing desires.

Overnight Trips: If you are looking for something a little more off the beaten path Montana Flyfishing Expeditions invites you to experience one of our overnight excursions. Usually lasting 3 or 4 full days, you will see our rivers from a very different point of view as you will live on them for the duration of your trip! These trips are fully catered events with all of your overnight logistics taken care of. All you have to do is fish, eat, sleep and fish!

Horsepack Trips: These regional horsepack trips are simply categorized as a remote, Montana fishing experience. They take place in areas that will truly blow your mind with scenery, landscape, fish and streams that are untouched in the middle of nowhere. We understand that this type of trip is not on every angler's radar but if you enjoy being outdoors and fishing to fish that don't know what flies are then inquire with us about taking this kind of adventure.